Sunday 12 April 2015

Day 15 - Intermission Acceptance and Sketchbook

It's common enough knowledge that we don't achieve every target which we set ourselves. But what isn't often heard is that it's okay. Sometimes life gets in the way. You might be struck with a health issue, maybe you need to support a loved one, or possibly you just realise that the target you set was unattainable.
And that's all fine.

Often we can get so annoyed at ourselves for not living up to our own targets that we quit, and think well it's not worth it any more, but I'm here saying it is. Don't just stop doing something because you didn't finish it in the time constraints, carry it on so that you can still get the amazing feeling of finishing. 

And if that still doesn't feel natural then think of it this way: if somebody owes you money but doesn't get it back to you by the time agreed what do you do? Write it off and say never mind, you couldn't do it by the end of May so it's not worth it any more, or do you continue to ask for that money until the unreliable sod gets it to you?

Life got in the way of taking the energy for creativity and time for writing these posts over the last week, but that doesn't mean I want to give up, it's still worthwhile and I feel just as strongly about the personal importance which this project holds for me as I did when it began, so here I go.

Yesterday, after watching my new favourite film, Empire Records (available on UK Netflix) I had a little internal debate concerning the attraction of the 90's. I was born in 1996, thus missing out on any fun which the decade had to offer, as well as any first hand knowledge from which to draw from for this paragraph but here is my ill informed analysis anyway. The benefits of technology and the information of the world wide web, without the consuming addictive side which it holds now. People seemed to do things back then. Sad teens sitting in their rooms by themselves (much like myself) actually did things to occupy themselves with rather than just social media / Netflix trains. They did more, thought more, spoke more, went out more. 

So by this sudden flash of inspiration I began a fast paced art journal. I'm not talking the painstakingly perfect shabby chic scrapbook journals, but just things which I liked decorated on a page really quickly. Not buying anything new, just using bits and pieces I've collected over the years. I had aimed to complete the whole sketchbook in one night, but it became evident that was an unattainable target so instead I made peace with the 9 pages which managed in only 3 or 4 hours.

Invest in a good white pen, it'll be the best artistic investment you'll make. I recommend the Hybrid 10mm Pigment Gel Ink pen

No, I didn't complete what I set out to do in the pre-agreed time frame, but I'll be damned if I don't get this sketchbook done at some point soon.

Damn The Man and Save The Empire,
Have a good one

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