Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 3, Magazine Review - Porter

The cover of the Spring 2015 issue reads "Modern Heroines", and unlike you would expect in, say, Cosmopolitan, none of the Kardashians have made the cut. The modern heroines in this magazine are women at the forefront of their fields, hard workers who we can look up to. 

Being an advert in itself, the baby of Net-A-Porter doesn't need to fill it's pages with ads as Vogue or Marie Claire do, although the use of the word advert to describe it seems insulting. 

If you are looking for fluff pieces on ten ways to make him love you, or bedroom antics he wishes you knew: what men REALLY want, you're in the wrong place. You are more likely to find designer profiles, performance art reviews, or in depth pieces on fashion history. This journal is written by, well, writers, in intelligent prose, using sophisticated vocabulary, and with no whiff of bubble writing text speak. 

Admirably, Porter stands apart in the world of fashion journalism, there is nothing in this issue which I have read that is gender or sexuality specific because they recognise that fashion has nothing to do with sex, but more culture and beauty. I believe that anyone could read this and not find it excluding of them. It's for humans who are interested in fashion.

It has a remarkably French air about it, this standing on culture. Fashion is presented as part of the arts rather than something cheap and throwaway, which of course is in line with the ranges that Net-A-Porter carries.

Trends are reported, but somehow it doesn't seem as forceful as when other publications present them. The "Fashion memos" are written in a way which doesn't make you feel as if what you currently own is incorrect, they are just informing you on what is new and why it's there so that you can adopt it if you so choose.

The message is not 'you will look better if you do this' but rather, women can be confident, beautiful and intelligent, and nothing needs to be compromised. Be powerful and allow your clothing to be a reflection of what you feel like on the inside. The fashion displayed is beautiful, yes, but to me that's almost beside the point. It's the attitude of this print which has enchanted me.

Porter, powered by Net-A-Porter. 
UK price £5 per issue.

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