Wednesday 25 March 2015

Day 4 - New Camera!

Borrowed memory card, macro lens

The decision making process when most people an investment item is a lengthy one, however I tend to believe that you can read as many reviews as you like and research for months but nothing quite teaches you what's what like owning and using whatever it is. So I went into my local CEX with my boyfriend who is thankfully a lot more knowledgable than I am about these things, and picked up a Nikon D3100, the standard 18-55mm lens and a macro 180-300mm lens with a Jessops UV filter for £227, which seems to be a good price. 

I knew that whatever I bought was going to be an improvement on my iPod camera or my parent's old point and shoot which the word 'broken' seems to have been invented to describe, so I'm really happy about this purchase. You could take the view that maybe I shouldn't be spending this much on a camera when I am near to clueless about them, but this is how I learn. Taking things one shot at a time, learning how to handle it, getting my eye in with the focus, and familiarising myself with all of the settings.

I seem to learn all my creative skills in this way, sewing, piano, guitar, drawing. Being taught occasional lessons from talented friends or family and just making it up as I go along. 

It was a slight oversight however to omit an SD card from my shopping list… 

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